Hi there,
It was such a treat hearing from some of you!!! You added some cheer and showed me that it was ok to just go with the flow and be present in the moment.
Over the last 2 weeks, I’ve stopped focusing on all the things that were not getting done and started focusing on a few things each day. The few things were increasing the time with my little girl, walking the dog around our community, doing some kind of exercise (mat, push-ups, squats), and carving out some “me” time. After the first week, I’ve added some mediation which I’ve struggled with for years because after a few days I always seem to stop and loose focus again. Sadly, another thing that I’ve added is baking (below is our cinnamon bun creation from yesterday). My husband has a bit of a sweet tooth so my daughter and I enjoy the time baking together and the treats add some cheer for him. The silver lining in all this is that, if it were not for this time at home I would not have had as much time, to do any of the things listed.

You all have given me quite a few ideas as well – you’ve mentioned exploring trails in Roxbury, sticking with meditation, crafting, projects around the house, using the videos I’ve posted on YouTube, and my favorite reading Danielle Steel novels on kindle.
Thank you all for responding and keep doing what you’re doing, it was wonderful hearing from you. Wishing you continued health and wellness!